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​Lilly Watson is like any other girl.

Well she doesn't think so, she doesn't think she's pretty, she actually thinks she's plain and boring but that changes. By falling in love with Miles Reed her life changes significantly. She's happier, she realizes that she's pretty, it's probably because her new man looks at her like she's the most beautiful creature on this planet.

She expects her relationship to be like any other, you fall in love with the perfect man and years later you get married and have beautiful babies. Well she's kind of right except everything get put into hyper drive for them.

​Is she doing the right thing so quickly? Is this love going to last forever?

Our eyes met, We fell in love, Then I died....

And that was only the first date.

Photos from: Fotolia

​Copyright 2016 Vee Anderson, No humans were harmed in the making

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